Services Offer
Services Offer
Supportive Roommate
Community Access / Day Program
Volunteer Opportunity
Community Visit / Caregiver Support
Respite / Companionship / Booking and accompanying to appointments
Adult Programs
Adult Programs
Our team creates a variety of program available for all clients such as Music and motion, Cardio Drumming, Rhythm and Drums, Drumming, Swimming, Bowling, Arts and Decoration, Color me mad, Sewing, Sit and get Fit, Yoga, Cooking, Mall outings, and Hiking.
Supportive Ro​​om​mate
Supportive Ro​​om​mate
Angel Care offer supportive roommate in our private home, where client's with special need are supported 24/7. Staff are also supported by our team in making sure weekly menu are updated, supplies are available and food are monitored as per client need.
Family Caregiving
Family Caregiving
Angel care also offer caregiver support for family struggling to provide care for their family member at home. We support families with FMS, FCD, SMC funding, please contact as for more information.
Programs And Support
Programs And Support
Community Visit
Community Visit
Angel Care ensures comfort and safe environment to our clients/individuals looking for temporary support. Angel Care strictly follows company policies and procedures regarding temporary support, and respect privacy between clients/individuals and family members. Angel care has been providing this service to private clients by sending caregivers to clients’ homes to provide personal care and hygiene, medication reminder, meal preparation, light housekeeping, booking and accompanying appointments, companionship, and outing.
Volunteer Opportunity
Volunteer Opportunity
Angel Care has many years of experience in this area and is diligent in looking for volunteer opportunities for those individuals interested in participating in the volunteer program. We believe that community involvement promotes social engagement, improves quality of life, boost self-confidence and morale. We properly assess client interests in finding the right volunteer opportunities in the community. Angel Care also acknowledges clients successes in their volunteering work and make sure they are validated and recognized for their efforts and accomplishments.
Comunity Access
Comunity Access
Angel Care is dedicated to creating inclusive and diverse opportunities to individuals with developmental disabilities to develop their social and physical well-being. Our Community Access programs consist of activities for individuals according to their Individual Support Plan (ISP). Based on our philosophy of delivering person-centred outcomes, account is taken of the prerequisites and the care environment that are necessary for providing effective care through the care processes.
Supportive Roommate
Supportive Roommate
Angel Care provides access to individuals with developmental disability seeking to find support in a family home and supportive roommate setting. Angel Care ensures that the individual gets equal treatment, quality service, in a safe, secure and caring environment where he/she can live supported or independently. Angel Care provides a conducive environment where clients can practice, learn, and apply life skills daily. Our experience involves close collaboration with legal guardians and family members to ensure that they both approve the home and the care provider to make sure that it fits the care needs of the individual.